Textual Analysis

1) What type of text is it?
It's a front page of a newspaper
2) How do you know? What are the key conventions that allowed you to identify the text?
The "Daily Mail" logo at the top of the paper. The main headline right in the centre of the paper, along with a picture the it's right. Several smaller stories and headlines along the bottom of the paper. The really basic colours, and being majority black and white also shows us that it's a newspaper.
3) In your opinion, who is the target audience for this media text?
Mostly adults above the age of 25, and elderly people. The mass demographic who'd want to read this particular copy would be interested in the main headline about the Military therefore I'd assume that'd me mostly men.
4) How would this audience access the text? E.g. where/when would they consume it? Using what device?
Most consumers would pick one up and a corner store, or a metro station, some consumers may access it online such as their phone, computer or laptop. But most readers would access the the text by actually taking a copy.
5) What values, ideologies and beliefs in society are reinforced or challenged in this media text?
The main story is what seems to be a solider who was unjust-fully arrested and put to a prison sentence which can subvert and reinforce one stereotype each:
It subverts the stereotype of soldiers being loyal and valiant, as since he's in jail he must have committed a crime which suggests he isn't particularly kind fulfilling his job.
The other stereotype would be the one that the government is corrupt as there's a soldier unjust-fully behind bars and it'd obviously be the government's fault for this unjust imprisonment.
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