WWW: This is a mixed picture – your RBK advert analysis shows a decent command of media terminology (it really comes across that you’ve studied the subject at GCSE). I also think you’ve done a solid job applying reception theory to the two adverts.

EBI: There are several issues to address here. Firstly, you are missing a key piece of work: the media consumption audit ( ). The icon/index/symbol task is complete but feels very rushed – there is nowhere near enough detail here for A Level (this is a shame as you’ve picked some interesting texts). In terms of time, I don’t see a great deal of evidence on your blog that you are putting in the five hours of homework in the subject each week. In fact, most of what is on your blog could have been done in lesson time. Without putting in the extra time you won’t get close to a top grade in the subject – this is an important lesson to learn early on.

Due to these issues, there is very little I can actually comment on to help you progress and develop in Media – which is the most frustrating aspect. I think paragraph structure is something you could improve (the RBK analysis contains lots of small paragraphs – increasing the depth and detail will help you towards the higher grades at A Level). I’d also always recommend widening your media consumption (e.g. reading the Guardian website regularly) but without your audit it’s difficult to pinpoint the best areas to improve.

LR: Update your blog to make sure all missing work is completed. Then, reflect on your work in A Level Media so far. What is your strongest piece of work? What is your weakest? How can you add depth and detail to your work? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

I think my strongest piece of work is the "reception theory" as I wrote detailed analysis on each aspect as I was supposed to got my point across clearly. I also had the freedom to pick any text which opened up my analysis options up way more. Whereas my weakest piece of work is the "Icon, index, symbol: blog task" as I done way too little analysis for it and didn't go into enough detail. 

I think I need to touch up on the equilibrium's and enigma codes and make sure I know who's is who's so I don't get confused with the names. I also think that I need to go more in-depth with my lighting and sound terminology.


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