Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to Resigned roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. (Older)
Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to Resigned roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. (Older)
Edmund if a retired financial adviser who achieved 12 GCSE’s (A*-B) at a private school. He finished College
with 4 A-levels (A*-A). Graduated University with a degree in finances (Oxford)
Barbara is a house wife with 8 A-C
GCSE’s and 3 A levels (A-C). She didn’t graduate university.

Free time
Edmund plays Polo and Golf. He loves whine tasting with his mates and also likes to gamble any left over money he has. Also goes high stakes live horse/hound race betting.
Barbara enjoys shopping and
cooking, but doesn’t participate in many outdoor activities as she’s not
allowed to leave the house too often, but Edmund invested in a gym for her to
stay in shape.
Media consumption
Edmund and Barbara watch BBC News
every night together, and they read each new edition of The Guardian. Edmund
enjoys older movies dating back to the 1980s and 1970s whereas Barbara has a
more modern approach and prefers newer movies. Her favourite TV program is
Coronation Street,
whereas Edmunds is more into sports channels such as SKY
sports. They most likely own a SKY boxsets (one of the most expensive ones). Both have a very minimal use of the internet (Possibly for work, checking the weather etc) but probably have newest iPhone's but don't utilise it's newest features.
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