News Analysis: 03/12/18
Nigerian President Denies Claims He's Been Replaced By Clone
THE PRESIDENT of Nigeria has denied claims that he died and has been replaced by a clone.
Speaking at meeting with Nigerians in Poland, Muhammadu Buhari addressed speculation that he was no longer alive and had been replaced by an imposter from Sudan called Jubril.
This is an example of Soft news, and rather clickbait as it's a ridiculous claim and isn't linked to anything too serious,
The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Had Its Lowest Ratings Ever

The annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show aired on December 2 and according to Entertainment Weekly, it garnered its lowest ratings ever. Clocking in at 3.3 million viewers for the 2018 show (compared to 5 million last year), the show's viewership has consistently dropped by millions each year since 2013.
This is an example of soft news as it isn't related to anything that would be considered as important or something that affects society as a whole.
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