Videogames: Tomb Raider Anniversary
1) How does the cover communicate the genre of the game? Gold brown, colours suggest an adventure theme, the guns obviously convey action. She wears tight clothing 2) How does the pose and costume of the character appeal to primarily male audiences? Her posing is incredibly feminine , as is her costume, its overly sexualised. This appeals to a predominantly male audience. 3) How might the cover be read as empowering for female gamers? Lara is in a dominant pose, her body language also suggests dominance and being powerful. 1) What does the gameplay for Tomb Raider Anniversary involve? Mostly jumping, and figuring out puzzles. There's also portions of combat slid in here and there but most likely for the sake of avoiding repetition and put some more excitement in the game. 2) Write an analysis of the media language choices in the construction of the game: e.g. genre, narrative, mise-en-scene, camera shots etc. Lara croft is constantly put i...