Audience Theory 3
1) Complete the questions in the first activity box (beginning with 'Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?') 1. Do you play violent video games and/or watch violent films? Are you violent in ‘real life’? Yeah i often play violent video games, but my behaviour is not violent. I also often watch violent films. 2. Do you ever see a product advertised on TV or on the internet and decide you want to buy it? Yes, generally when i see something online that appeals to me, I'd begin saving money and end up buying it whether that's in a few weeks or months time. 3. Have you ever seen a documentary which has drawn your attention to an issue which you now feel strongly about? Not really, I don't often watch documentaries. 2) What are the four categories for different effects theories? The four categories are "Direct Effect Theories, Diffusion Theories, Indirect Effect Theories, and Pluralist Approach" The "Direct Effect Theories...