Newspapers: News Values

1) Come up with a news story from the last 12 months for each of the categories suggested by Harriss, Leiter and Johnson:
  • Conflict
Terrorist attacks throughout Europe
  • Progress
  • Disaster
Tsunami in Indonesia
  • Consequence
Bill Cosby getting sentenced
  • Prominence 

  • Novelty
2) What example news story does the Factsheet use to illustrate Galtung and Ruge's News Values? Why is it an appropriate example of a news story likely to gain prominent coverage?

A female service woman dying will be prominent as it's considered to be close proximity as she's British therefore a British audience will want to read the story and feel an interest. It's also unexpected as no one can predict this happening. She was also the first female to be killed in the Afghanistan war.
3) What is gate-keeping?

the process through which information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication.

4) What are the six ways bias can be created in news?

Bias through selection and omission
Bias through placement
Bias by headline
Bias by photos, captions, and camera angles
Bias through use of names and titles
Bias by choice of words

5) How have online sources such as Twitter, bloggers or Wikileaks changed the way news is selected and published?

They present news in an unprofessional and quick&easy way to read it to grab the readers attention, as people will be scrolling so the news story is pretty much in competition with other things people will see on social medias.
6) Complete the task on the last page of the Factsheet regarding Sky News and Twitter:
  • What does this reveal about how Sky views Twitter as a news source?
Twitter is fast and providing new content.
  • What does it say about how news is being produced?
The news is posted as fast as possible even when not all details have been received.
  • What role does the audience have in this process?
To read the story and retweet it.
  • Why might this be a problem for journalistic standards?
Journalistic standards have decreased and continue to do so

7) In your opinion, how has the digital age changed Galtung and Ruge’s news values? 
Yes, because a lot of news articles focus on click baiting instead of giving actual news, also there's a bigger focus on getting the story out first rather than getting all the details first.
8) How would you update them for 2018? Choose TWO of Galtung and Ruge's news values and say how they have been affected by the growth of digital technology.


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